Click on the picture of model below to view it in detail.

Atlantis Models' repop of the classic Aurora kit
Red coat and blue hat painted with good ol' Testors paints for old time's sake;
Beard braids thickened and resculpted with Aves Apoxy-Sculpt putty.

"Good Grief" - Charlie Brown and Snoopy, post-apocalypse.
1/6 Scale resin kit by Goodefella Resin
Sculpt by Chris Gabris, Head by Troy McDevitt, Casting by Angelo Valetta.

Budd Root's "Cavewoman"™
1/6 Scale resin kit by Critical mass
Sculpt by Mike Petryszak, based on a drawing by Frank Cho

Conan the Barbarian
1/5 Scale Cold-Cast Porcelain from Needful Things

"The Slayer"
A 1/6 scale pressure-cast resin Conan diorama kit by Alternative Images, sculpt by Sam Greenwell.
I added some grass and railroad dirt to the base, and sculpted a new sword blade out of sheet plastic to replace the awkward-looking kit blade.

"NEXT!" - A Conan the Barbarian scene sculpted by Shawn Nagle.
1/8 Scale Resin.

"Death on the Black Coast" - A model version of the cover of Marvel Comics Conan #100, by John Buscema.
1/8 Scale Cold cast porcelain.

Dejah Thoris Princess of Helium
From Edgar Rice Burroughs' Martian novels.

1/6 scale 3d-printed resin kit from Crimson Raven Miniatures.

The Outlaw Josey Wales
1/6 Scale Resin kit by Needful Things
I replaced the signs with basswood, and singed the poster around the edges.
I dremeled out a lot of undercuts to the clothing, and accurized the guns a bit.

The Man with No name
1/6 Scale 3D Printed Resin kit
Clint Eastwood, as seen in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
I replaced the incorrect gun with the correct one one from an action figure set.

Connor MacLeod, from the film "Highlander."
1/6 scale 3d-printed resin kit from Vengeance Studios.

Indiana Jones
1/6 scale 3d-printed resin kit from Vengeance Studios.
I added the ruby (lit by shining a lazer at it) and omitted his satchel.

Maggie's Last Stand
Adrienne Barbeau as Maggie, in John Carpenter's Escape From New York
Resin Realities' 1/6 resin figure kit

Aerojet Moon Suit
A 1958 proposal for a moon exploration spacesuit
Modern Age Kits 1/16 scale resin

Can you not see, all around you, the Dragon's breath?
Jayco Hobbies' 1/6 resin kit of Nichole Williamson as Merlin, from the film Excalibur

"Lucky Star"
A 1/6 scale kit of Ripley From A L I E N, by Kobioshi Kits

The 1/8 Geometric kit of Ripley, as seen in A L I E N S, sculpted by Mike Hill.
with the Geometric resin accessory rifle grafted to the kit's arm

River Tam, from the film "Serenity"
A 1/6 scale 3D preinted resin kit from Crimson Raven Miniatures.

A L I E N S Xenomorph
The 1/8 Geometric kit of a Xenomorph Drone from A L I E N S.

"Stuck on You"
1/8 (?) Scale Resin kit from Menagrie Productions

1/8 Scale plastic kit by Monarch Models

Sinbad and the Nightmare Duel
1/12 Scale resin kit by Geometric Models
I replaced the flimsy resin base with a plank and half a kitchen tile. I added the brazier just to have something interesting on top of the column - it was a porcelain cup my wife had lying around, and it's filled with driveway gravel for charcoal.

Tarzan and Silverback
1/5 Scale Resin kit from Amazing Figure Modeler - 15" tall

The classic 60s Aurora kit from a 1975 release, with some missing parts replaced with resin copies from "Auroranut."

The Wicked Witch of the West
Polar Lights' resin kit released in 2015. I swapped the figures' places so the more detailed side of the Witch showed.

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