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I discovered the "infinite Ellies" screen-sharing function on my phone

She's not sure she likes it.

NOSE! Yes, we should not have gotten a dark brown chair.

Helping sort the laundry.

It's nice and comfy-warm in here.

You're supposed to chase the damn ball, not chew on it.

MY ball, my rules!

On the back porch, supervising multiple squirrels.

On the front porch, making sure the deer don't get out of line..

Typical summer evening, chatting with the neighbor while Ellie keeps tabs on the squirrels.

Playing scrabble with the neighbor-lady while Ellie checks her ear.

Helping look up legal Scrabble words.

Autumn walkies, with a view across the Ramapo River valley.

Family shot.

Family shot with bad back-lighting.

The noble beast!.

It's warm under the drapes.

Puppy smoochies

More noble posing.

Cuddling with Mommy on the couch.

Life is good.

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