Finished Models
While all my built models my be seen, by category, on my main model site here:

...the following is a comprehensive chronological list of my model building output since 2002.
Click on a picture below to see the model.


  1. (Jan) Gowron
  2. (Jan) A British pony.


  1. (Jan) There can be only one!
  2. (Jan) RS Models Bf-109K-14
  3. (Jan) Tamiya's old Frank
  4. (Feb) Tamiya's new P-38H
  5. (Mar) Tamiya's old Jack
  6. (Mar) XP-47H Conversion
  7. (Mar) The Flintmobile!
  8. (Apr) Tamiya's MiG-15bis
  9. (May) XP-72 Conversion
10. (May) Airfix Seafire 17 all folded up to save space.
11. (June) Dejah Thoris!
12. (July) What-If "P-72N" Conversion
13. (Aug) Matt Jefferies shuttlecraft concept.
14. (Aug) The TV version of the Seaview.
15. (Sep) Dragon Natter.
16. (Oct) Dragon Komet.
17. (Oct) The Aurora Phantom!
18. (Nov) An X-Wing!
19. (Nov) River!
20. (Nov) Me-262 HGIII Entwurf III
21. (Dec) The Good!
22. (Dec) Me-262 HGIII Entwurf II V-Tail
23. (Dec) Sleestak!
24. (Dec) Planet of the Apes ship.

      The Year in Review: 2024


  1. (Jan) Atlantis repop of Blackbeard.
  2. (Jan) X-Plus' Harryhausen Cyclops.
  3. (Feb) Eduard's Fw-190A-8/R2.
  4. (Feb) Space: 1999 Moon Buggy.
  5. (Mar) Indy!
  6. (Apr) Hobby Boss' 1/48 F8F-2 Bearcat.
  7. (May) Modelcollect Focke Wulf 3X1000 bomber.
  8. (May) Monarch's Fly!


  9. (Aug) The Falco from Future Boy Conan!
10. (Aug) Freedom Models' F-20C Tigershark.
11. (Sep) 3D Printed Star Fury.
12. (Oct) The Wicked Witch!
13. (Nov) Hasegawa Val
14. (Dec) Ahsoka Tano!
15. (Dec) Eduard Bf-109K-4

      The Year in Review: 2023


  1. (Jan) Great Wall Hobbies' MiG-29SMT
  2. (Feb) Moebius Models' LiS Space Pod
  3. (Mar) Bachman Goldfinch
  4. (Apr) Moebius Models' Invisible Man
  5. (May) Amusing Hobby's Me-262 HG III
  6. (Jul) Moebius' Big Aries 1B
  7. (Sep) A Dornier 335 converted to a Racing Plane!
  8. (May) Takom's 1/72 Silbervogel!
  9. (Oct) A second attempt at modeling Big Squaw!
10. (Nov) Refurbished the former Big Squaw kit as Smokepole!
11. (Nov) Geometric's Romulan Commander
12. (Dec) A second attempt at modeling Icky and Me!
13. (Dec) Eduard's Mistubishi Zero Type 21
14. (Dec) Moebius' Big 1/72 Orion II

      The Year in Review: 2022


  1. (Jan) Budd Root's "Cavewoman"
  2. (Jan) Hasegawa 1/48 Hurricane Mk IV
  3. (Feb) Pilot Models 1/48 Saab J21
  4. (Feb) Repop of the classic Monogram SNOOPY...
  5. (Mar) ... and the RED BARON!
  6. (Mar) Grandpa Munster
6a. (Mar) Grandpa and Herman together!
  7. (May) RS Models 1/72 Me P.1107
  8. (May) Das Werk's Luft '46 Junkers EF-127


  9. (Jul) Geometric's "Nightmare Duel"
10. (Aug) Das Werk's Luft '46 Tiltrotor concept
11. (Aug) 3D Printed Vampirella!
12. (Sep) 3D Printed Mandalorean Rifle
13. (Oct) Turned a mailbox into a Gee Bee!
14. (Nov) Goodfella Resin's "Good Grief"
15. (Dec) Tamiya's P-51B "Ole II"

      The Year in Review: 2021


  1. (Jan) When Worlds Collide Crash Diorama
  2. (Jan) Star Wars B-Wing Fighter
  3. (Feb) Tamiya Gloster Meteor
  4. (Feb) Airfix's new Bristol Blenheim
  5. (Mar) Atlantis' repop of Aurora Cheyenne!
  6. (Apr) Hobby Boss F-111A
  7. (Apr) Tamiya Wildcat
  8. (Aug) Tamiya Mossy Bomber
  9. (Aug) Eduard P-51D
10. (Sep) Polar Lights 1/32 Galileo
11. (Oct) Das Werk 1/32 Junkers Ef-126
12. (Oct) Cutter from Elfquest
13. (Oct) Death on the Black Coast!
14. (Dec) Polar Lights 1/350 K'Tinga

      The Year in Review: 2020


  1. (Jan) We got us the Josey Wales!
  2. (Jan) War of the Worlds Martian!
  3. (Feb) Luft 46: Lippisch P.11 Heavy Fighter
  4. (Mar) A Hasegawa Messerschmitt Bf-109G-10
  5. (Apr) Bandai's itty bittyest Millenium Falcon
  6. (Apr) Bandai's Rebel Blockade Runner
  7. (May) MPC/R2's new tool Hawk fighter
  8. (Jul) Tamiya's Fw-190D-9
  9. (Jul) The Starduster!
10. (Aug) Krazy Nazi Eggbeater (Triebflugel)
11. (Oct) Convair NX-2 Nuke
12. (Nov) The old AMT Spock kit reissue (with some changes)
13. (Dec) Gotha P.60C Zerstorer
14. (Dec) 1950s Convair Space Shuttle

      The Year in Review: 2019


  1. (Jan) Moebius' Resin Wonder Woman
  2. (Jan) Moebius' Grim Reaper
  3. (Feb) Geometric's Ripley!
  4. (Feb) Geo's A L I E N S Xenomorph
  5. (Feb) A resin kit of the 1958 Aerojet Moon Suit!
  6. (Mar/Apr) A pink Stormtrooper on a Dewback!
  7. (Apr) NX-01 Refit
  8. (May) China's J-31 Stealthy Attack Jet
  9. (July) Sky 1!

      Another big damn dry spell!

10. (Oct) Monarch's Sinbad
11. (Nov) Moebius'Herman Munster!
12. (Nov) Tycho Yards' Sentinel Class Starship
13. (Dec) T2 HK!
14. (Dec) Tamiya's new Gustav

      The Year in Review: 2018


  1. (Jan) What an XB-51 might look like in Viet Nam
  2. (Feb) Great big Russian Su-34 fighter/bomber.
  3. (Mar) Nazi Flying Saucer!!
  4. (May) PEACE from Wizards
  5. (June) Eduard's Yak-3!
  6. (June) Hobby Boss's FW-190 V18
  7. (Aug) Luft 46: A Henschel 132A Jet Bomber
  8. (Oct) MOSKITO!!
  9. (Nov) STUKA!! (stop yelling!)
10. (Dec) GORGO!!!(you have to yell GORGO!)
11. (Dec) Tamiya Sandy

      The Year in Review: 2017


  1. (Jan) Nausicaa and the Baby Ohmu
  2. (Jan) KittyHawk's new Flapjack!
  3. (Mar) Tamiya's Fw-190 F-8
  4. (Apr) NELL!
  5. (Apr) Star Trek TNG's Constellation Class ship.
  6. (Jun) Bandai's Chicken Walker!
  7. (Jul) The Bride of Frankenstein!
  8. (Aug) Luft 46: A Henschel 132C Jet Bomber
  9. (Sep) Maggie's Last Stand!
10. (Sep) Northrop's crazy 1950 VTOL concept
11. (Oct) Martin's crazy 1950 VTOL concept
12. (Nov) Moebius Space Station Kitbash
13. (Dec) Goodyear's crazy 1950 VTOL concept
14. (Dec) Airfix's new P-40B kit

      The Year in Review: 2016


  1. (Jan) Trumpy's Westland Whirlwind
  2. (Jan) 1945 Heinkel Long Range Jet Bomber Proposal
  3. (Jan) Trumpy's MiG-3
  4. (Feb) Jonny Quest's SST
  5. (Feb) The Millenium Falcon!
  6. (Feb) Earth vs the Flying Saucers!
  7. (Apr) F-107 in 'Nam Colors
  8. (Apr) Mister Spock!
  9. (Apr) Captain Kirk!!
10. (May) Blohm und Voss BV178 jet dive bomber
11. (Jun) Northrop XP-59 Flying Wing Fighter
12. (Jun) Henschel Hs-132B jet dive bomber
13. (Sep) DeHavilland Sea Hornet
14. (Sep) The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms!
15. (Oct) An Israeli F-16XL!
16. (Nov) Luft '46 - A Horten Amerika Bomber design!
17. (Nov) Luft '46 - Junkers EF.130 jet bomber proposal!
18. (Dec) Freedom Models' 1/48 F-20 in ROCAF Markings!
19. (Dec) Luft '46 - Lippisch P.13a delta ramjet!
20. (Dec) Luft '46 - Horton X Jet Fighter!
21. (Dec) King Kong!

      The Year in Review: 2015


  1. (Jan) A Tamiya Corsair
  2. (Feb) Academy's Spitfire FR Mk 14e
  3. (Mar) Kinetic's 1/48 Israeli Kfir C7
  4. (Mar) Polar Lights' 1/144 C-57D
  5. (Mar) A 1/1000 Star Trek kitbash, The USS Mainzer
  6. (May) Luft '46: Czech Models' Me-263
  7. (Jun) Battlestar Galactica Viper Mark VII
  8. (Jun) Moebius Models Big Flying Sub!
  9. (Jul) Spaceship Luna!
10. (Jul) A Desert Messerschmitt Bf-109F-4/Trop!
11. (Sep) A Desert Messerschmitt 262 Trainer!
12. (Oct) Republic XP-69 WWII US fighter design.
13. (Dec) USS Azrael 1/350 Star Trek kitbash.
14. (Dec) Tremulis Zero Fighter, WWII US rocket fighter proposal.

      The Year in Review: 2014


  1. (Jan) Polar Lights' 1/350 (32"!!) Enterprise
  2. (Jan) Luft '46! Arado E 583 Jet Night Fighter
  3. (Mar) Kitbashed a Lief Ericson into The USS Bucephalus
  4. (Mar) JTResin's Loki Class Destroyer
  5. (Apr) Good ol' AMT Klingon Battlecruiser!
  6. (Apr) Hawker Hurricane Night Intruder
  7. (May) Big Ugly Westland Wyvern
  8. (Jul) Cylon Raider
  9. (Aug) PL 1/350 TOS Enterprise with Lights!
10. (Sep) Hornethopter!
11. (Oct) Wolverine!
12. (Oct) IAR-80 WWII Rumanian fighter.
13. Brewster Buffalo.
14. (Nov) Sexy beast - The ol' Hasegawa F-4E Phantom II.
15. (Dec) Revell's Russian T-50 Stealth Fighter.
16. (Dec) Hobby Boss 1/48 YF-23.

      The Year in Review: 2013


  1. (Jan) Starting off with another Luft '46 projekt: Trumpeter's 1/48 Me-509
  2. (Jan) Strangely enough, another Focke Wulf: Tamiya's 1/48 Fw-190A-3
  3. (Jan) Israeli F-16 "Barak."
  4. (Feb) Sean Nagel's Conan tableau, "NEXT!"
  5. (Mar) Botany Bay!? OH NO!
  6. (Mar) Another Star Trek Kitbash from Modular Models parts: The USS Ascender
  7. (Apr) Another Star Trek Kitbash using Dark Star parts: The USS Chaffee
  8. Douglas A-20C (Apr) Ertl's 1/48 in British North African markings
  9. (May) Trumpeter's new Spiteful
10. (Jun) 1/1000 USS Shangri-La conversion kit.
11. (Jul) Revell PV-1 Ventura.
12. (Aug) Can you not see, all around you, the dragon's breath?
13. (Aug) Meng Ki-98 Japanese WWII Proposal
14. (Sep) Hasegawa's Shinden II from the video game "Ace Combat".
15. (Oct) NAKED GIRL WARNING! "Mother of Dragons"
16. (Nov) Revell/Monogram's reissue Battlestar Galactica Viper.
17. (Dec) Fantastic Platic's Hydra Parasite from "Captain America".

      The Year in Review: 2012


  1. (Jan) 1/72 Focke Wulf Entwurf II, a "Luft 46" subject from Planet Models.
  2. (Jan) 1/48 Focke Wulf Ta-152H-0, from Dragon Models.
  3. (Jan) 50mm cannon-armed 1/48 Me-262A-1a/U4, from Hobby Boss.
  4. (Feb) A Star Trek Kitbash from Modular Models parts: The USS Minmus.
  5. (Feb) Fantastic Plastic's Manta, from "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow."
  6. (Mar) Moebius 2001 Clipper UPS markings?!
  7. (Apr) Pegasus Mercury 9 Rocket Ship as a Nazi V-missile?!
  8. (May) Mer'Q 9 class Klingon kitbash using the Mercury 9 kit.
  9. (Jul) Moo?
10. (Jul) USS Themistocles, another Star Trek Kitbash.
11. (Aug) FIREFOX!
12. (Sep) Starbase 51 - yet another Star Trek Kitbash.
13. (Nov) Aaaaand one last Star Trek kitbash for the year, USS Claymore.
14. (Nov) Fantastic Plastic XSL-1 Moonship in Space Fighter livery.
15. (Dec) Moebius Models' Black Widow.
16. (Dec) Fantastic Plastic BAE Harrier II.
17. (Dec) AMT's Leif Ericson Reissue.

      The Year in Review: 2011


  1. (Jan) Focke Wulf Entwurf III, a "Luft 46" subject from Planet Models.
  2. (Jan) Proposed Boeing Blended-Wing Bomber by Fantastic Plastic.
  3. (Jan) Beany and Cecil! by Diceman Creations.
  4. ( Mar) 2001 Orion 2 cargo shuttle from Stargazer Models.
  5. (Apr) 1/5 Tarzan and Silverback from Amazing Figure Modeler.
  6. (May) Anagrand Messerschmitt P.08.01 proposed long-range WWII bomber.
  7. (June) USS Jenolin in resin, from the TNG episode "Relics".
  8. (July) NFO!!
  9. F-16XL! Wild Hare Ass'n's 1/32 conversion.
10. USS Ibn Daud kitbash with Modular Models shuttle carrier pod.
11. (Oct) "Stuck on You." - a hot chick fighting a dinosaur!
12. (Nov) Moebius Models NuBSG Viper Mk II.
13. (Dec) A Star Trek Kitbash from a Perry Rhodan model: The UES Perry

      The Year in Review: 2010


  1. (Jan) X-Men's Blackbird, a resin kit by Fantastic Plastic.
  2. (Jan) Alliance's Abbe Class Destroyer, a Star Trek Fanon design from Jackill.
  3. (Feb) Bronco Models' 1/35 Piloted V-1.
  4. (Apr) A Mars Mission vehicle kitbash.
  5. (May) Hasegawa's 1/20 Ma.K. Falke.
  6. (Jun) Tamiya's 1/48 F-84G.
  7. (July) Moebius Models' Mummy!
  8. (Sep) Tamiya's 1/48 P-47D.
  9. (Oct) AMT's Star Wars Speeder Bike.
10. (Nov) Moebius' new Frankenstein.
11. (Dec) Rozenzweig Class Trek starship kitash.
12. (Dec) Hasegawa 1/48 Kyushu Shindenkai.

      The Year in Review: 2009


  1. (Jan) A Star Trek "Heavy Survey Shuttlecraft" kitbashed out of Moebius' reissue of the old Aurora Fantastic Voyager.
  2. (Feb) A Starship kitbashed out of the wings left over from that Voyager model.

      Big damn dry spell!

  3. (Jul) The classic Aurora Ragnarok Orbital Interceptor.
  4. (Sep) USS Columbus kitbashed from the Polar Lights Enterprise
  5. (Nov) USS Raan built using the Alliance Models Belknap class conversion kit.
  6. (Nov) Hobbycraft's 1/48 Messerchmitt Bf-109D.
  7. (Dec) Tamiya's 1/48 Nakajima "Rufe".
  8. (Dec) Hasegawa 1/48 Spitfire Mk IXc, finished up from a kit I'd started a few years ago.
  9. (Dec 31, 10:30PM) Classic Aurora Tarzan, finished at the last moment!

      The Year in Review: 2008


  1. (Jan) Eduard's 1/48 Focke Wulf 190A-8.
  2. (Feb) Collect-Aire's 1/48 resin McDonnell XP-67 Moonbat.
  3. (Feb/Mar) Revell's 1/72 Horton 229, German WWII experimental flying wing fighter.
  4. (Mar) Pacific Coast Models' 1/32 Macchi MC.200 Italian WWII fighter, shown with the cowl of a real one!
  5. (May) USS Saipan Star Trek kitbash.
  6. (Jun) Dragon's 1/48 Heinkel 162D with forward-swept wings.
  7. (Jul) Planet Models' 1/72 Heinkel P.1079B proposed WWII German Night Fighter.
  8. (Jul) Fantastic Plastic's real strange Rheimetal Borsig VTOL concept from WWII.
  9. (Aug) Anigrand's 1/144 Daimler Benz Project "B" bomber component.
10. (Aug) Italeri's 1/72 Tu-22 "Blinder" supersonic bomber.
11. (Sep) Alfred Wong's 1/72 resin Star Wars A-Wing fighter.
12. (Oct) Bandai's kit of the Gunship from the anime "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind."
13. (Nov) Hasegawa's 1/48 Bell P-400 Airacobra.
14. (Dec) USS Sultana, an Excelsior-based transport kitbash.
15. (Dec) USS Val'Walo, a starship kitbashed out of a Gundam.

      The Year in Review: 2007


  1. Alfred Wong's 1/48 SA-43 Hammerhead from Starship Modeler.
  2. Fantastic Plastic's 1950s Atomic Bomber.
  3. Fine Molds' Star Wars Jedi Starfighter.
  4. Revell of Germany's Star Wars Republic Star Destroyer.
  5. Jonny Quest figure kit.
  6. Classic Airframes' 1/48 DeHavilland Hornet F.3.
  7. Alliance Models' 1/1000 Leif Ericson Galactic Cruiser.
  8. Eduard's 1/48 Nakajima Ki-115 Tsurugi.
  9. Refurbish of Lunar Models' 32" Seaview.
10. Resin Ranger's Type 9 Shuttlecraft.
11. Stargazer's 1/288 scale Serenity.
12. Fantastic Plastic' Horton Rocket Wing.
13. Warhammer 40,000 Tau Sky Ray.
14. Ace Combat 5 ADF-1F Falken by Bandai.
15. Warhammer 40,000 Tau Piranha.
16. Diorama with the two Tau vehicles above.

      The Year in Review: 2006


  1. Starship Modeler's USS Illusive Conversion.
  2. Starship Modeler's Space 1999 Hawk kit.
  3. USS Masao Destroyer Kitbash.
  4. Revell/Monogram 1/48 F-15I.
  5. Fine Molds "Porco Rosso" Savoia Seaplane.
  6. Pro Modeler 1/48 F-86D.
  7. Revell of Germany's Star Wars (episode III) AT-RT.
  8. Polar Lights Dick Tracy.
  9. Fliegerhorst Models 1/48 Resin Bv208.
10. Tamiya's 1/48 Citroen German Staff Car.
11. Revell of Germany's 1/72 Bv194.
12. Monogram's old Blue Thunder Helicopter kit.
13. Hasegawa's 1/72 Macross YF-21.
14. USS Tiburon - anothe Trek kitbash made from a Gundam.
15. HobbyCraft's 1/48 Seafire Mk XV.

      The Year in Review: 2005


  1. USS Triumph kitbash.
  2. USS Dominion, Dreadnought from the Star Trek Technical manual.
  3. USS Shaitan, Destroyer from the Star Trek Technical manual.
  4. USS Ptolemy, Transport/Tug from the Star Trek Technical manual.
  5. AMTech's Focke Wulf Ta-183, Naval Version.
  6. Hasegawa's Macross YF-19 in USAF markings.
  7. Starcraft's USS Asmodeus Starfleet gunboat.
  8. Starcraft's USS Grissom from Star Trek III.
  9. Romulan "Seabird" kitbash.
10. Yukikaze!
11. TIE "Penetrator" Star Wars kitbash.
12. "Lucky Star" Ripley figure kit.
13. USS Grand Alliance - refurb, repaint and redecal.

      The Year in Review: 2004


  1. Special Hobby's Heinkel P.1078
  2. Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Japanese "Kate"
  3. Nichimo's good ol' 1/48 Japanese "Nick"
  4. Tamiya's 1/48 Donier Do335B-2 "Pfiel"
  5. Pro Modeler's 1/48 Arado Ar-234C
  6. Dragon's 1/48 Junkers Ju-188A-1
  7. USS Essex kitbash
  8. Alfred Wong's 1/48 Star Wars Y-Wing, released by SMT
  9. DML's 1/72 Northrop YF-23
10. Planet Models' 1/72 Focke Wulf 3X1000 projekt
11. Panda Models' 1/48 Lockheed F-35
12. USS Crockett, Scout from the Star Trek Technical manual
13. USS Coventry kitbash
14. Testors' 1/48 Bell/Boeing MV-22 Osprey
15. 1/2500 USS majestic
16. USS Soryu kitbash
17. 1/72 SA-10 "Grumble" SAM vehicle
18. RS Models' Blohm und Voss AE607
19. PM Models' Messerschmitt P.1111
20. Planet Models' Messerschmitt Me-329

      The Year in Review: 2003


  1. Monsters in Motion's 2001 Moon Bus.
  2. USS Coeur de Lion kitbash.
  3. Eduard's 1/48 Bell P-39Q.
  4. AMT Klingon battlecruiser with custom Romulan decals.
  5. Jimmy Flintstone's 1/6 "Batgirl Undressing."
  6. USS Reeses Kitbash.
  8. AMTech's 1/48 Ta-183, JG2 markings.
  9. Starcraft's USS Reliant.
10. Starcraft's USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A.
11. Starcraft's USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (TOS).
12. Hasegawa's 1/48 P-47D razorback in Dad's markings.
13. Fine Molds 1/72 Star Wars X-Wing - Red Five in flight.
14. "Seaview Rising."
15. Polar Lights' repop of the aurora Batplane.
16. Hasegawa's 1/48 F-104C Starfighter.
17. Tamiya's 1/48 Me-262A-2a jabo.
18. 1/5 Conan the Barbarian by Needful Things.
19. Academy's 1/48 P-47N in my Dad's markings.

      The Year in Review: 2002

Records do not exist of the Dark Times before 2002. We shall not speak of it.

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