In Payne
Check out my Kitbashed
Starships Tech Manual!

A Jackill-like manual
with schematics of my kitbashed
starships in FULL COLOR.

June 28, 2024
Dejah Thoris!

May 27, 2024
Folded-up Seafire!

May 8, 2024

April 12, 2024
Another MiG-15

March 31, 2024
The Flintmobile!

March 2024
Final Ellie 2023 update.

March 27, 2024
A Clock Shop by Mary

March 26, 2024

March 22, 2024
A Jack!

Feb 29, 2024
Finally, a P-38!

Jan 30, 2024
A Frank!

Jan 23, 2024
Another Messerchmitt!

Jan 11, 2024

Dec 21, 2023
My 2023 Year in Review

Dec 20, 2023

Dec 8, 2023
Ahsoka Tano!

Nov 8, 2023

Oct 19, 2023
The Wicked Witch!

Sept 29, 2023
Another Ellie Update!

Sept 25, 2023
Big Star Fury!

Sept 4, 2023
Another new store by Mary

Uag 31, 2023
An F-20C

Aug 16, 2023
The Falco!

May21, 2023
The Fly!

May 4, 2023
Luft 46!

April 6, 2023

March 23, 2023

Feb 17, 2023
A new store by Mary

Feb 16, 2023
Moon Buggy!

Feb 2, 2023
Focke Wulf!

Other Points of Interest:
• Direct link to MY STAR TREK KITBASHES !
• A running, updated chronological list of My model output for the last few years.
Check out my Kitbashed Starships Technical Manual!

Sections wherin I show off:
Models, Various and Sundry - My primary hobby and pastime
Mary's Dollhouses - My wife is also nuts and builds little things too!
Graphics portfolio - The creative urge bursts out.
The Charts Page - Reveals interesting facts about unimportant things!
My Film Career - Hey! I've been in movies!
My Dad - My father's war stories, and the fighters he flew.
Family History - Some olden photos from the olden days.
Great Grandpa's Photos - My Great-Grandpa's fascinating 100 year-old photos.
Ellie's page! - come see Our new puppy!
Nikki's page! - Remembering our little girl.
The Mort Tribute! - We miss our little buddy.

E-mail me if you have anything to say you think I might care about.

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